2021    Ruqaiijah Yearby and Seema Mohapatra, Systemic Racism, The Government’s Pandemic Response, and Racial Inequities in COVID-19, Emory Law Journal  

2021    Passports of Privilege, American University Law Review (Invited symposium piece) 

2021    Yvonne Dutton and Seema MohapatraCOVID-19 and Law Teaching: Guidance on Developing an Asynchronous Online Course for Law Students, St. Louis University Law Journal (Special Volume on Teaching)

2020    Emily Benfer, Seema Mohapatra, Lindsay Wiley, and Ruqaiijah Yearby, Health Justice Strategies to Combat the Pandemic: Eliminating Discrimination, Poverty, and Health Inequities During and After COVID-19, 19 Yale Journal Health Policy, Law, And Ethics 125-171  

2020    Robert Gatter and Seema MohapatraCOVID-19 and the Conundrum of Mask Requirements, Washington and Lee Law Review Online, Vol. 77

2020    Elizabeth Pendo, Robert Gatter, and Seema MohapatraResolving Tensions Between Disability Rights Law and COVID-19 Mask Policies, 80 Maryland Law Review Online 12019    Law in the Time of Zika: Disability Rights and Reproductive Justice Collide, 84 Brooklyn Law Review 325

2019    Seema Mohapatra and Lindsay F. Wiley, Feminist Perspectives in Health Law, Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 47(4_suppl):103-115

2017    Assisted Reproduction Inequality and Marriage Equality, Chicago-Kent Law Review 87 (Invited Symposium Piece)

2016    Politically Correct Eugenics, 12 Florida International University Law Review 1 (Invited Symposium Submission)

2016    Use of Facial Recognition Technology for Medical Purposes: Balancing Privacy with Innovation, 43 Pepperdine Law Review 1017

2015    Adopting an International Convention on Surrogacy -- A Lesson from Intercountry Adoption, 13 Loyola University Chicago International Law Review 25 (Invited Symposium)

2015    Time to Lift the Veil of Inequality in Health Care Coverage: Using Corporate Law to Defend the Affordable Care Act’s Reproductive Health Care Mandate, 50 Wake Forest Law Review 137

2015    False Framings: The Co-Opting of Sex-Selection by The Anti-Abortion Movement, Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (Invited Commentary)

2014    Using Egg Freezing for Non-Medical Reasons: Fertility Insurance or False Hope?, 8 Harvard Law and Policy Review 381

2014    Fertility Preservation for Medical Reasons and Reproductive Justice, 30 Harvard Journal on Racial and Ethnic Justice 193

2013    Examining Global Legal Responses to Prenatal Gender Identification and Sex Selection: A Bioethical Analysis, 13 Nevada Law Journal 690

2013    Cutting the Cord from Private Cord Blood Banking: Encouraging Compensation for Public Cord Blood Donations, 84 University of Colorado Law Review 944 

2012    Stateless Babies and Adoption Scams: A Bioethical Analysis of Commercial Surrogacy, 30 Berkeley Journal of International Law 412 

2012    Achieving Reproductive Justice in The International Surrogacy Market, Annals of Health Law 21: 191

2011    Unshackling Addiction: A Public Health Approach to Drug Use during Pregnancy, 26 Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society 241  


2021    Kelly K. Dineen, Abigail Lowe, Nancy E. Kass, Lisa M. Lee, Matthew K. Wynia, Teck Chuan Voo, Seema Mohapatra, Rachel Lookadoo, Athena K. Ramos, Jocelyn J. Herstein, Sara Donovan, James V. Lawler, John J. Lowe, Shelly Schwedhelm, and Nneka O. Sederstrom. Treating Workers as Essential Too: An Ethical Framework for Public Health Interventions to Prevent and Control COVID-19 Infections among Meat-processing Facility Workers and Their Communities (under review) 

2021    Kayte Spector-Bagdady, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Barbara E Bierer, Luke Gelinas, Sara Chandros Hull, David Magnus, Michelle Meyer, Richard Sharp, Jeremy Sugarman, Benjamin Wilfond, Ruqaiijah Yearby, and Seema MohapatraAllocation of Opportunities to Participate in Clinical Trials During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Other Exceptional Circumstances, Hastings Center Report 

2021    Abigail Lowe, Kelly K. Dineen, and Seema MohapatraStructural Discrimination in Pandemic Policy: Emerging Science, Resource Scarcity, and Infectious Disease Protections for Essential Workers, Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 

2021    Abigail E. Lowe, Kelly K. Dineen, Jocelyn J. Herstein, Matthew K. Wynia, Josh Santarpia, Lisa M. Lee, Alva O. Ferdinand, Sara Donovan, Teck Chuan Voo, David Brett-Major, Rachel Lookadoo, and Seema MohapatraEmerging Science, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Guidance, and Resource Scarcity: Inaction and Inequity for Workers in Essential Industries, Health Security  

2021    Michelle N. Meyer, Luke Gelinas, Barbara E. Bierer, Sara Chandros Hull, Steven Joffe, David Magnus, Seema Mohapatra, Richard R. Sharp, Kayte Spector-Bagdady, Jeremy Sugarman, Benjamin S. Wilfond, and Holly Fernandez Lynch, An Ethics Framework for Consolidating and Prioritizing COVID-19 Clinical Trials, Clinical Trials

2020    Ruqaiijah Yearby and Seema Mohapatra, Structural Discrimination In COVID-19 Workplace Protections, Health Affairs Blog

2020    Ruqaiijah Yearby and Seema MohapatraLaw, Structural Racism, and the COVID-19 Pandemic, 7 Journal of Law and the Biosciences 1-20  

2020    Seema Mohapatra and Dov Fox, The Moral Economy of Fertility Markets: Hope and Hype, History and Inclusion, 48 Journal of Law, Medicine And Ethics,765-767 

Book Chapters

2021 Time to Abolish the Façade of “Anonymous” Gamete Donation in the Age of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing, Consumer Genetic Technologies: Ethical And Legal Considerations (Hank Greely, Nita Farahany, and Glenn Cohen, eds.) (Cambridge University Press)

2020    Rewritten Opinion, In re: T.J.S., Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Family Law Opinions (Rachel Rebouche, ed.) (Cambridge University Press).

2015    States of Confusion: Regulation of Surrogacy in the United States, Commodification of The Human Body: A Cannibal Market (Eds. J.D. Rainhorn & S. El Boudamoussi) Editions de la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme

2014    A Race to the Bottom? The Need for International Regulation of the Rapidly Growing Global Surrogacy Market?, Outsourcing Life: Globalization And Gestational Surrogacy In India (Eds. S. Dasgupta & S. Dasgupta) (Lexington Books). 

2004    Privacy of Electronic Health Information, E-Health And Telemedicine, a Law Journal Press Treatise, 2004 (with Karen Dunlop and Laura Cole)

REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND THE LAW (Third Edition) (casebook) (with Judith Daar, Glenn Cohen, and Sonia Suter) (Lexis-Nexis, forthcoming 2021).

FEMINIST JUDGMENTS: REWRITTEN HEALTH LAW OPINIONS (edited collection) (with Lindsay Wiley) (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2022).